((Already posted in general discussions but wasnt surewhere to post))

How do i start?

This event is pretty bad. Why u may ask?

You can divide this event in 2 different ways to play it:
1. Leaderboard runners
2. boss loot farmers

Problem with 1: its basically a list of the 50 most richest players of each class!
- Itīs nothing about effort or skill its pretty much all about the gold
Solution: give everyone the same gear or something in that direction! so it actually takes skill

Problem with 2: its neither worth it nor fun
- Vardan valley, infested or pretty much every other farming place drops better loot
- it takes about 15minutes to kill the last boss just to remap and do the same over and over again its so boring especially because the droprate for reppy is so unbelieveable low
Solution: better drops pls