Quote Originally Posted by Jausa View Post
Am I the only one that thinks the auction tax is too high? For expensive items it reaches millions of gold- that's hours of farming and a good amount of money if you want to pay to sell something. Maybe the tax should decrease with the more expensive items?
If you are selling multiple arcanes, auc tax with quickly accumulate to dozens of millions.. too much money and time wasted for simply selling something. Maybe it should be limited to like 1m or something like that.

Also a button that on the social page of the settings to allow party members to invite others would be very helpful for making a party.

In-game time- which has been suggested dozens of times, I don't know why sts doesn't add it, would had helped a lot of players a great lot ( the settings of the party leader should apply )

Also a dropped loot pick-up category system, would be nice if we wouldn't fill our inventories with common items anymore.

What do y'all think about the suggestions? Any suggestion?
The higher you sell it for, the more tax. I see it as an economy stabilizer that keeps people for selling items at a price too high. Besides, selling items that costs millions to sell is for the rich. If your gold is not really all that plentiful, they have in game trading options and they also have the forum traders market as alternatives, you just have to use it wisely.