Quote Originally Posted by Willl View Post
What do you mean by "comparative rank"?
Also original pvpers do not enjoy outspot pvp arena that much, i d say to focus on normal pvp
Ranked pvp mode do you mean a leaderbords?
Also as I see you are planning a great pvp update..can you revive also FFA map?that map is great..it has lot of fun but it has been unused simce its release, its a waste
I'll probably get rid of that FFA map 'cause nobody uses it.
Comparative rank would be - your team has a combined rank of 1500 and my team has a combined rank of 2000. Your team beats mine... you get more points than if my team beats yours.
Normal pvp is definitely not the focus for these initiatives. Honor Arena would be a separate thing. Ranked PVP would be separate. So would 'Battle Royale.'