im not going to go into details or into H core suggestions but one thing ive been tired of is not getting a constant flow of money. when im saving up for something id be like ok... i need 1m, lets start farming, i should get 1mil in about a week. i farm for 3 days... not even one pink. Next day i get like 4 pinks... rest of the week no pinks... what the heck! everything is luck! lol, my income is based on luck!

the only way to get money in PL is to get good items, and then sell. From a person who has horrible luck, getting money is really hard and you can never tell how much your going to get and when.

To have a consistent cash income (little or lots) would help alot because players will actually be able to make an estimate of how much their going to make and when. it would make things more fun and less tiresome.

here are some non-detailed examples of how this could b made better
- making liquidate prices higher (purples 1K max?)(and higher lvl items should liq for more)
- some kind of bank, and get interest (there needs to be a max of course. players with millions would b getting way too much money lol)
- bidding on items (i personally thing this would be petty sick)
- money for killing mobs. more for bosses (higher lvl bosses/mobs drop more)

PLEASE post, i wanna c your ideas and opinions