Hello guys so I'm confused as to why the requirements for mage to proc ebon armor is to do dmg to enemies whereas the requirements for rog and warrior is to have dmg being done to them. Shouldn't both mage and rog requirements be that they do dmg to enemies? Warrior are fine since they are supposed to aggro and take dmg but rogues are dps and are supposed to snipe. We are the class that dodges the most and it doesn't make sense that our requirements be that we get hit. I'd even go as far as to say that rogues get hit less than mages.

I get hit by enemies less than half the time because of my dodge percent. While running Deep Marsh (which is a relatively medium-long map), I was able to proc ebon armor 1-3 times (definitely no more than 3) and that was because I took the initiative to go ahead of party, take the aggro, and group the mobs.

Please consider changing this thank you.