Quote Originally Posted by highwaymen View Post
Im gonna keep it short and simple here and say enough events, to put it harshly this game has no backbone anymore to support events and the continuous play of new and old players, and the slew of events are a simple mask for the broken things under them, if we fix these things then events and playing will simply be marvelous (and weve been asking for it for way to long). Things to fix,

-BALANCE HONOR PVP AND ENDGAME PVP!!! (please... birds alone are ridiculous in both, i mean you put endgame skill levels in like... level 10 pvp, 70% hit knock, really? and now we have arcane shooters)
-Disable Enchants in PvP and make them stronger or better for PVE only.
-Starter Pet (theres another thread on this)
-New Introduction
-More Gold sinks (inflation is just.... out of hand)

I think these are the big things that need fixing... but this is the forums soooo suggest suggest suggest... as a community this is what we need to see next or we simply cant move forward... not by choice, but simply because the game right now is unplayable (unless your a 110 bird with Old Platinum Sides)

All this aside... if this game is to thrive, this is what we need... but im beginning to suspect this is your money maker for whats up and coming, a PL 2?
Well they could make money off pl and al they just have to fix pl and this is a great idea if only they would do this