Today, i way playing 2v2 with my friends in tdm. I couldnt take this anymore so i will make a thread about this. I have asked some people about this problem aswell.

Let me get to it straight. Theres an insane delay in pvp! when i say insane like insane
My position on my screen isnt really the right position of what appears in my enemy's screen. Its weird that ill get axe hooked through wall, or aimed when im hiding on the rocks. I dont understand because, I have a good ping. sometimes it goes up but its not the thing. The problem is why devs hasnt looked or fixed this problem yet? i really dont get it. Ive ask some people they said it happens to them too. So its just not me. I wanna make a video of what happens but i think a lot of people complained already. Please dev fix this. Its driving me crazy dying behind wall. Im 100% sure its not my ping. Playing pvp with this situation isnt fun at all. Frustration kills me.