In light of the recent discussions about class balance and about weapon balance, I have a question to y’all. This has been on my mind for quite awhile now and I am curious about the community’s opinion as well (and hopefully if sts is reading this, they can get a clear sense as to what the community really wants).

What do you guys think about the arcane weapons procs in the game? Are they enough? Should they be buffed or nerfed?

What do you think about the increasing pet buffs that are given? Are the 25/30/50% stacking dmg buff good for the game?

I’ll start.

I am deeply concerned about the Power Creep in this game. The legendary-mythic items no matter the level have become obsolete. As someone who uses Duggar dagger and ebon armor, I’ll say that the procs of those type of weapons and armor are too much( getting 16-35k dmg when your base dmg is only 6.5k is crazy). Add to the fact that different weapon procs can stack and it ends up being op. I would hate to see if procs just keep on becoming more and more op in future expansions (from 10k base to 100-150k dmg). Players who have legendary-mythic gears cannot keep up. It isn’t right that the playstyle is to solely rely on procs.

What I would like to see happen is a nerf on the procs while a slight buff on the base stats of these weapons (they have to stay arcane after all). It would also be good to nerf the maps (just a little bit). Why nerf maps? It’s so that those with legendary-mythic can do better and so that the recently nerfed arcane weapons can still be good to run with. Doing these eliminates the need for the ridiculously strong procs. With enough balancing there might not even be a need a for procs to stack (I know warriors may be against this but the proc stacks is so op it isn’t fair to average players—especially average warriors who can’t do much dmg/tanking).
I also do not like the idea of just straight up buffing the legendary-mythic gears because the point is to stop a playstyle that rely on procs and to slow/stop the power creep.

I have the same power creep concerns with pets too. This was especially clear when werewiger came out. I’m worried that pretty soon pets with 50% dmg happiness bonus and 50% stacking aa dmg are going to come out making current arcane pets useless. The only solution I can think is an overall nerf to the pets who give %dmg happiness. The result of the nerf is weaker buffs but at least there isn’t a great dmg difference between pets which doesn’t force players to choose one pet over the other. And with the slight nerf of maps the nerf won’t hit the players too hard. Or maybe release pets that does something completely new (I don’t have an idea but it has to be something useful), and who knows with these new pets, new play styles will emerge.