Hi, so I opened arcane legends today & then found out, out of the blue, that I was banned.I mean I can’t figure out what I did wrong.The account was created by me this year,didn’t even have an arcane pet on it),I’m sure (at least according to me)I never bought gold or plat farmed(in fact I did like 3 offers but didn’t get paid out for those) or used a vpn , never used foul language(although I did get muted a couple of times by accident ).My net worth at time of banning was like 20-30m anyway which I think would have been way more if I was doing any malpractices.All I did to earn my gold was honest merching.Im sorry if this isn’t the right place to post this, but I would just like to know the reason for my ban,& if(hopefully) it comes out I haven’t done anything wrong , get unbanned.
Apologising again if this is the wrong place to post this or if I unknowingly did something wrong to get banned(in which case I will accept the banning & promise not to do it again)

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