I've been on PL mostly in PvP rooms only, just gotta say it's really different, both pace and play-wise.

I've also been trying to stay on the traditional melee type bear, dual spec of course.

I definitely need help on these situations, as I'm not exactly sure how to deal with them. Maybe birds/archers/bears can help?

How do str/dual spec (melee) bears deal with the range of birds/mages?

Straight up, bears have Beckon (12m) to combat against the ranged skills of birds/mages, who's skills are also 12m max if I'm not mistaken?

What happens if a bear misses Beckon or pull doesn't work? It's happened, Beckon doesn't "miss" (target is stunned, stars circling head) but it just doesn't pull either.

What now? Assuming Beckon misses, birds can pushback/double root, mages can pushback/double frost. Bears just stand there to take the beating until another Beckon comes up?

If I'm lucky enough to dodge the roots/freezes, I kite until Beckon is up and ready, but if it misses again, back to square one.

Hit isn't really an issue, 92/94 on Fort Set, but I've noticed that the most common trend in PvP now is dodge, birds have em, mages even try to get them.