Quote Originally Posted by Hatawtoh View Post
hi sts can you make fester more fun like if a player enters the ring players can have a 5sec to hit the player even when their out of the ring rog snipers are just ruining the fun. pls ty

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Believe me bro - without rogue/mage snipers it would be boring.
Let's see what is the gameplay in Fester arena:
- Tanks(or OP member of other class) in the middle and they want to be the target. Rogues / mages come and try to use those targets. "Targets" try to catch the snipers vs snipers want to hunt down the "targets".
- Reds vs Blues vs outsider clash - usually ends within few mins one color rule, other is outside - and sniping to break the hegemony. (Outsider is usually an OP warr).
- A weak player wants to go through - but somehow he/she always die.
- Players try to 1 vs 1 - here snipers could be annoying, I admit.


- No KDR counting there in any way,
- We cannot practice real PvP technique there due lack of pets.

So yes, we can ask that snipers should be excluded from the picture, but we ALL would loose from that (including you even if you would do not think now).

Maybe you realized I sometimes go there to snipe - this is the role of rogue BTW.