Quote Originally Posted by Overbear View Post
Everyone was sheting on this guy but he was right the whole time. What a champ.
People has been talking about awakening event last 2 months. You have many examples of this irl:

-Like i said before, Nostradamus might be most famous example. He wrote plenty of random things with nothing definited but all open to interpretations.

-Maybe OP is astrologer? An indian kid predicted last August a big risk for humans in next months. He didn't say what though, but people assume he referred to virus (of course). All his followers don't mention all his failed predictions (of course)

-Old civilizations like romans predicted their own dawn many times. Mayas, Vikings, Cristóbal Colón, JW people and other cults did too. Even a Christian pope did. If people keeps predicting random dates maybe somebody will hit the jackpot, no?

-The Simpsons! Nobody has made bingo so many times and with same accuracy as our beloved yellow fellas. Maybe OP should send his professional profile to them! Definitely right place for such accuracy and vast knowledge.

All these magic and awesome examples dont usually harm or affect people, but sometimes...need to be careful with words without any valid proof. How many solid proofs OP said? 6 months since last....? Lmao not even 6 months between any of previous events. Looks like it was a random assumption and he was lucky this time, no?

Its good to distinguish between knowledge/proofs and luck. But hey! OP can keep tt people in game, spreading rumors, creating 'funny' guild names to discredit the one he was kicked from, all good. Because he was right!!!