Mine happened recently. Like super recent. Just 1/2 an hour before, Haikus had an EPIC FAILURE WHEN HE REACHED 56! It went like this. I was playing on my DexBear, Saintlaw and he invited me to get on my main and join him for his final grind to 56. It was all so exciting although my iPod lagged like idk and haikus kept dying. :3 On his final 5 exp, he said he wanted to decativate XP gain till Gold Fever was gonna die to get a screenie. This failed epicly, not only did he disable at the wrong time, he also died twice. So we set out on the second clearing, which he forgot that he ENABLED XP gain, so he leveled after killing a few creeps and died. Epic Fail, no?

Later, another 10 minutes around the clock, I joined haikus in Balefort and i met VIOLENTSAINT! I was one of the first (I think) to welcome him back, we chatted about a few things and he honoured me the Legendary Conquerors Battle Axe! And the good news is: HE BOUGHT AN IPAD JUST TO CONTINUE PLAYING
PL! Sweet!

So what's your most memorable moment? It can be anytime, anyhere, anyhow. I'd love people sharing great PL memories!