So yeah.

Its been a long time, nearly a year since I played. Main reason why I stopped was, I got a girlfriend. Holy crap, those things take up a lot of time. (And money) so I kinda lost interest in PL.

So I stopped investing so much time in iPhone mmorpgs. But recently was hanging out with some friends, and they were playing pocket legends. And I was all hipster gammer, lol noobs I played that game before it was cool. Lemmi get my high lvl char and pwnzor stuff for you.

Annnd now I'm back. I guess.

Last time I played, the swamps *just* came out.

And now? A lot has changed
woah Holy Flaming kittens batman, we got a world map now.
Quests? Amazing. (cept now I got to go grind through all the low lvl maps)
PVP came out at last. Heard bow bears were imba. I can proudly proclaim I told you so. Wonder if they have been nerfed yet? (think so. my bear feels weaker now)
Skills go to lvl 6 now?
Rings? more loot

Missed out on so much. Wonder if there is an easy way to read a years worth of patch notes.

And oh yes, anyone I know still around? Do I even remember you? =( But if you remember me, come say hi. And give me items. Because you're awesome. And I need a bigger bow. pew pew pew

btw, in before some bitter person comes in and says who cares. Go hug a pillow and console your self.