Ive been tryin out the honor pvp, all i can say is rogues are too op as always xd but lets not talk abt this for now..

lets talk about mage, mages highest dmg is probably lightning crit ( and lightning crit is nowhere near powerful as aimed shot ) and honor set only gives mage 5% crit or lower, im usin light curse shield heal as my skill loadout.
and warrior dmg is higher than mage idk if its made this way, basically mage rn is the most squishy, lowest damage class among all 3. like its almost impossible to win 1v1 against a rogue ( if the rogue knows how2play ) when all they do is just wait for ur curse to ran out while waitin with their health packs, the only way for me to beat a rogue is probably if my lightning crit 2-3x but that chance is way too low.

i tried testing my damage with a rogue in party, just to test the dmg, and mage pretty much do no damage lol, like fr i charged my normal atk n lightning n ice non crit only make the rogue hp go down by 10%-15%. and a non crit pierce aimed from rogue took 40-50% hp of mage's health + rogue's cd are faster than mage and they pretty much always crit.

its just my suggestion of buffin mage :
- Increase damage of lightning crit
- More damage ( warriors got huge health damage n can tank, rogues got crazy crits n dmg, i think its fair if mage got the highest non crit damage among all class cus mage rn is just weak n squishy )
- Buff the shield time, As i say above, rogues can just wait for packs without dying for the shield to run out cus mage cant deal enough damage to actually hurt the rogue.
- Atleast buff mage so that it can actually make rogue use all packs while ur on shield lol, that damage is enough. rn rogue only need to wait for shield to finish n use 1 pack of health lel

what do u mage players think? or what do u think shud be buffed?