This is a copy of the email I sent to STS I just figured I would post here to warn anyone else that might make my same mistake :-)

Hey Guys,
So I made a BIG mistake.... I was making a deal with one guy that consisted of 4 full lvl 55 sets so I filled my wallet to max amount of 9,999,999 and made offer to him. He said he would think about it and get back to me.... after which I opened another trade with Kryptness and sold him a enchanted robe recipe for 500k ..... unfortionatly I didn't empty enough room in my characters wallet for to 500k and when we made trade he got robe but the money just disapeared??? I realize I should've been smarter and had less money on me but I would've assumed that it would treat it similiar to having full inventory slots and rejected the trade all together??? What should I do? Can you please help me??