Hmm the way i see it, you're the one looking at the small picture. Pure dex is a lot limited compared to dualspec.

I'm on mobile so can't post Long so i'll just bring up some points.

-you can still use your talom set up with dual

-the 67 hp increase actually benefits a talon tank more than a reular tank because talon sets have lower def.

-anything you can wear/do as pure dex you can also do in dual. But not everything a dual can do, you can do. Ao with that i'd say dual is the bigger picture.

Quote Originally Posted by Vivi View Post
Elly... Dont look at the small things focus at the bigger picture. Skill build, tactics, party task. Dual spec kinda defiles the whole idea behind bow - the range. The moment u use str gear u're just a tank, and my idea was to retain ur range and offensive capabilities even when u use the defensive setup (like senti talon set for tanking - good damage and defenses without losing ur range factor dramatically). STR gear kinda pins u down in one place while with ranged gear u can kite to prevent many of those hits from landing which combined with bear skills is basically ninja-like-state. Given a choice I always go for range. Unless bear gets Biotic charge from Mass Effect 2.