Quote Originally Posted by Xbellatrixxx View Post
I appreciate the effort STS is putting in to make new events and provide back to back events. I love the idea, design, and gold making ability of the crates. I also love how you can play the new event at any level, poor or rich, gear or no gear. However, I feel that STS could have done better for the point system. It’s unfair to people who experience lag, or just aren’t as good as people who can run1:05 min races. I feel the points should be equal, and instead of using placement for point amount, there should have been four different maps similar to boss events where all players get the same points for playing that map no matter their place. Reward for placement should be more tokens, not points. Someone like me who usually gets third or fourth place has to run over 2200 times plus to get to platinum tier, and the energy drops are TERRIBLE. I do like how this event is a little more challenging, but it’s a little challenging-almost impossible for the average player who usually gets platinum tier for other events on the third or fourth day.

Also, a BIG problem with this event is the lag. My ping average is between 29-53 and when I’m running with players who don’t experience lag everything runs smooth. However, when I run with players with high ping and bad lag my screen freezes us, my car freezes and stops moving even hitting gas, I also lose control with joystick I.e. joystick no longer turns the car. My average lap run is 1:12 but when I suffer other people’s lag issues my laps take a minute and a half.

Another disappointing event that could have been much better. This is why I no longer buy platinum and invest money into this game.
I agree with this. The point system is kinda unbalanced.. The one who wins the race gets a lot of points and the one who comes last gets just 5 points. I mostly come 2nd or 3rd place.. Rarely I come 1st and for me it will take a lot of time to reach plat tier. I play on Phone so again there is control difficulty plus sometimes it lags.. I wish the points were equal.. But nevertheless I loved the event.. At first, I didn't know how to drive, kept crashing into walls and came last.. but now I'm improving and generally come 2nd or 3rd..Still it seems hard to reach plat tier tho !