Quote Originally Posted by Formora View Post
I don't know, I think I will aim for a certain % of crit first and then focus on ranged power. Elly, what is a good balance between the two?
I don't know, tbh. Lol

I've always focused mainly on crit %, since I like seeing the crits from normals/RS, that's just me though.

But I know that the AP build is actually really good. I tested out swapping between a few pieces of crit/AP to see damage, and it was noticeable, so going that pure build will definitely dish out a lot of crit spike damage.

I think Mits would have a better understanding on AP, iirc, he had about unbuffed 25% crit and 1200 AP? Not sure.

I have roughly unbuffed 36% crit but about 900 AP only. He definitely deals more damage than me if he crits, but I crit more often, so it's really preference