Didn't see anyone talk much about this, so I thought I'd drop the question.

I'm a decently specced Archer, lv 21-22 (working my way to the cap). All DEX and maxed focus, blast, break armor.

While some instances have great tanks that can hold aggro and this topic is a moot point, I've found some groups not able to. As a pure dps build, I find that if the tank loses aggro, it happes quite early on and the boss will starting making a break for my ranged position. I lead a boss with Break Armor and follow-up with an auto-attack and blast shot rinse and repeat combination.

Being mostly squishy, I can kite the boss around large rooms while auto-attacking but sometimes have to run back through some cleared hallways because of lack of kiting space. Nonetheless, I can finish off most bosses in short order (except for some ranged bosses). Some bosses at this point can wipe me with 3-5 hits, so it is imperative I stay out of range.

A few days back another player using a mage told me to ante up on the hp pots and to stop running away as he/she said had less hp than me and didn't need to move around unlike me. Basically told me to stop kiting and not making everyone follow. I haven't invested in any thorn based skills as I find kiting is a great alternative without wasting skill points.

I'm trying to get some feedback of other people's playstyle using a dps/squishy archer build like mine. My death count is low and I don't die much, but is it aggravating the rest of the party?