hi all, I'm new to the game, abt a week now already but I couldn't figure out 2 things, and have delved into the thick FAQ here without finding what I was looking for.

q1: I always used to start my game upon login in a town on a green land. then some quests brought me to another town on a brown land. the only way I know to traverse between these 2 neutral towns is by taking a quest on that part of it. is there any other way to traverse to n fro? not sure you understand my question.

q2: ok, so I took a quest, clicked go to, then went to a battleground. realized no ppl in the game other than myself. want to return but don't know how to. the only easy I know is to complete the quest so that they give you the option to return to town. if I don't complete the quest, can I still go back to town? how? is quitting level the only way back to town?

thanks for your guidance.