After spending sometimes with this game. I have the following small suggestions which I think would help.

1. Add A real time/Clock on screen (or maybe as an option to have it there or not) - similar to Chaos Rings. I lose track of time playing this game (time seems to fly by).

2. Since this is using 3G or wifi constantly to play, this is the most battery intensive game I have. Would be nice to have the battery indicator available on the screen (similar to chaos rings). I normally play with it plugged in but would be good for if i'm on the road. I think it would lead to better battery management.

3. We are playing this game on our phones so when we get a call, I have to quickly tap the home button (iphone) to bring up the multitasking, switch back to my game, and find a safe place or exit the run so I don't die taking a phone call. Is it possible to make the character invincible during the call when PL is not the active window or at least be able to warp them back to the safe spawn point of the dungeon. Same thing with lagging out, if the server can not find your phone, I think all attacks on you and from you should be temporarily put on hold and only resume once you back on the server. I should not connect back to the game dead due to lag. Other suggests are welcome. Just trying to prevent dying from lag spikes or phone calls.

4. Boss stats. I was thinking that the bosses have their own kills and deaths pop up briefly on their introduction screen. If you think this might downgrade the earlier bosses menacing introduction for beginners seeing them for the first time, maybe use a kill death ratio or just how many they have killed? For the later bosses like the Shadow witch, I was just interested how many players these bosses are killing. If stat tracking starts on the bosses, maybe have a top ten list of players for each boss that have killed them the most and that the boss has killed the most.