Quote Originally Posted by Nuclearblast View Post
Many people disagree with him because what he said is wrong and I know many people farm alot during events but are you only thinking about those players what about the rest of them who were not there during event or joined game after the event ? You also said that kierovan weapon is a good option if they don't have gelid but why are you asking them to use it or other elder weapons when they want gelid weapon or some new weapon which is as good as gelid . Kierovan and other elder weapon might be good but still not as much as the gelid and not everyone has it and players like you don't want it to return more people will agree with me on this but there are only few like you who don't want them

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Young man listen up.. everything coming back at a time upsets the balance of things .maybe you should take classes on economics to understand this more .I am not a pay to win player by any means just to make this clear .I'm a hardcore grinder and I didn't own any of the gelid relics when they first came out but rather than come and complain and ask for items to return or for new items to be made when the current items are still good which has become the trend among you all I worked toward getting it and I'm justified to not want it to return cause I mean there's many players like myself who actually farm and sell stuff to get these things rather than come here to complain .maybe if you were a bit more like us you would see things from a different perspective like a lot of rare stuff has returned even the blood armour set and trinity that was originally supposed to be for the 25 players who made leaderboard in the withering realm event as well as the lord of storms weapons.what more do you all want ? Y'all should learn to at least grind for stuff ..you can't have everything spoonfed to you for Christ's sake