Quote Originally Posted by MrWizardlord View Post
Its weird how people forget that pvp is supposed to be fun. You attack, you kill, you get attacked, you die and congratulate the people you are against for a good game lol. The main reason i quit pvp a long time ago is that DL pvp players literally just do not know how to have fun with it.

Its so ridiculously hotheaded with ego clashes that its just absurd.

I feel bad for cinco logging in every day to read this nonsense of everyone at each others throats like he is running a daycare of little kids that get mad at eachother cause the other kid insulted him or beat him in pvp lmao..

Come on folks, get it together, you guys are gonna ruin what is already good and happening, just control your emotions, or if pvp is that much of an emotional rollercoaster for you then you shouldnt even be playing it
everlights hes kinda pointing that towards players like u