Quote Originally Posted by snakeeyes View Post
+1 right rogue cant do 1shot boss on dm need 3-5 skill and timing with 2 procs sunk and dug dag. But warior they have it all whithout a timing the doz axe give better chance to proc than duggar and also haste for fast skill cd with rage skill the goldloot is rip. Hope dev can exchange the haste proc of dozer axe to speed of duggar dagger speed is not worth for rogue because of speed set, arcane ability and hb of pet or maybe change the speed to damage reduce.
Have u ever played war... I challenge u.. Borrow gears or whatever and try playing.. Getting either evg wave 35+ or this event 95+
" they have it a without a timing... LMFAO"
Pls take more info bfor typing random things....or atleast mention you are not sure of what u say..

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