Hello all,
After a strange registration process that left me unable to post for over a month, I have remade my account, and can now post. I just got into PL after freeing up a lot of space on my phone, and even then with minimal other apps, I don't have room for much else, since PL is taking up most of the space.
I created a bird, since I always play as an Archer or other ranged job in every MMO I play. My bird's name is Vaxern, which is an anagram of Raven X, since that's the face I chose. However, I have since changed to a penguin, so the name doesn't really apply anymore. At the time of this post, Vaxern is Lv33, and it is painfully slow to level up.
Is it true that every kill only gives you 1 XP? That may explain why it is taking so long to level up.
Anyways, I'm here now. I promise not to be a total thorn in the backside. I'm a former moderator from a forum of another popular MMORPG, so I understand forum etiquette. Other games I play are Guild Wars, Team Fortress 2, and a few Wii games (No More Heroes 2, Sin & Punishment, Mario Kart).

Once again, you can hit me up in-game @ Vaxern
Thanks for reading my raving. See you later~