Quote Originally Posted by ThreadPolice View Post
As title states. A lot of you might say that it doesn’t matter anymore, but imo it is equal to botting, since you basically do 0 effort in order to accomplish the APs, in my opinion it is and stay cheating. As I am not allowed to mention ign’s in the post itself, hereby I present you: another APs cheater confirmed, he/she doesn’t deserves to be at the lb

Idk how to upload video’s here, if anyone is interested in the video lmk
Botting if he uses a 3rd party software that does tasks for you, in this case he isn't, nor is dummy farming considered botting.

Back then people used to call out flaggers for cheating, but as the time passes it has been accepted by all. Perhaps its time to accept that dummy farming isn't cheating because everyone can do them, only difference is the purpose of the aps aren't suppose to be acquired this way.

The problem is STS not removing them back then.

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