Quote Originally Posted by Waug View Post
What I'm talking, is the season pass from fornite and which was adopted by massive amount of games after that and which is not limited to EXACT competitive games but similar games and my term of competitive game is little bit different, in a MMO you compete with other players even in pve as well again it's just an Extension of the monetization system, micro transactions isn't prohibited in fact i know games having Season pass + micro transactions and obviously which is hugely accepted by mobile community, pc community is different of course they hate micro transactions so subscription model for an interesting gaming title is easily a good thing for pc but not for mobile at least not yet.

So basically I didn't oppose the "hybrid system"
I realize this. We're not in disagreement. Here's a bit more of what I'm thinking: when 'seasons' exist you have the basis for a 'season pass' monetization structure. Competitive games' primary structure comes from player rankings over time, which makes 'seasons' relatively easy to apply. For cooperative games, on the other hand, I assert that the structure needs to be applied via 'seasonal' content that Designers create. For example, having a 90-day 'Event Season' that encompasses New Year's, Valentine's Day, and Spring Break PVE events and a variety of PVP leaderboards that conclude and offer exclusive rewards at the end of each period.

For PL2 I'm envisioning a large swath of free content that is always available and a regular cadence of event content to drive 'PVE' monetization via micro-transactions. The fundamental PVP needs to be an 'economic safe space,' where game mechanics and player skill are paramount, and where a 'seasonal' Ranked leaderboard system offers unique vanity rewards (titles, banners, name colors, badges). No-fault PVP and 'P2W' PVP could also exist here but they shouldn't offer any sort of reward - though it seems like 'enchantment' based PVP is the correct space for wagering ;-)