Quote Originally Posted by Josephjackson View Post
I dont see any problems with an item such as a snowball launcher because it can be potentally aquired by all.

Im all for "exclusive content" but I think everyone should have the potental to aquire the best gear in the game. And the helm is apparently an exclusive item... So you are getting it

And the founders helm is a small advantage at high lvl pvp.. But huge at low level pvp. Recently, it would have been a 33% increase in armor and a major increase in damnage for a lvl 10 bear.
I'm so tired of the founder helm is unfair thread hijacks. It does not make one invincible in pvp. It's not game breaking and more importantly its not on topic. There are plenty of other threads about the founder helm already. IMO complaining about the founder helm is like being angry about the automute or beta testing for SL. They are closes cases and time to build a bridge and get over it