Quote Originally Posted by Archugejackmen View Post
If you feel like it’s outrageously overpriced, why bother? I for one feel like having an aura would be nice, but as you have stated yourself, they’re clearly cosmetic. Unless you have some ulterior motives hidden somewhere...
Anyways, plats help support StS, so these platters who buy the auras are supporting the game that you (perhaps) play on. Let them decide the price they wish to sell it for
I bother because this is a new item type that was just released and I'm sure devs are always looking for feedback on it. Let's also not start any conspiracy theories on any nefarious intentions that I have because I have nothing to gain from it. I understand that it is made by sts and that it is ultimately their decision on how much things should cost. If they refuse to lower the price of future auras, that's fine and I respect their decision. I'm also not dictating on what people can or cannot buy. If they bought it that's fine it's their money and I'm glad that they are supporting the game.

Quote Originally Posted by Sabiee View Post
Lol the sales and farming and crafting events r a lot , u can do and have all nowadays if u r smart ..
Aura is just an add ,vanity! u can buy or not ur choice ,one if it’s charm is that it is expensive makes it exclusive ..
Well some ppl likes that and likes to pay for that , it doesn’t affect the game play and makes u look rich so if u r then buy it ..
U cry so your point is make the aura easy for poor players to have it too ..
Yes some pay 1700 plat if u can’t don’t ,it’s for rich ppl ... the point is there ..
There is something for every one in the game and if the aura went low it won’t be fair for ppl who already bought 1700m ..
And let remind u ..ucan also have them all by equipping really cheap sets ..
Come on guys u can’t just cry coz u wanna have every thing put easy on ur table ,or else ..
Plus , paying for the game by buying plats it’s eventually good for poor ppl too ,as it helps the game keep improving and supporting ..
It’s just a VANITY..
I'm not asking them to make auras extremely easy to obtain because that would obviously be dumb. Let me also clarify that I'm not asking for auras that were already sold for 1700 plat to be sold at a lower price. It would be better if future auras were sold at a lower, but still expensive, reasonable price. It would be nice to see auras that are more subtle, but slightly cheaper. The subtle auras will still be expensive of course. We have enough items in the game that cost 100m+ and we don't need any more overinflated items.