In my push to 56, about 60k xp, I met a lot of players over the weekend. For the most part they were all good players, I hosted and never booted anyone, accepted all that sent a friend request and some I sent my own request. Quite a few hung in there for hours at a time and rejoined after breaks, and the next day requested a spot when available. 48's and up...and quite a few 56's. Some I would coach on how we were running the maps, especially one bear of stood out. Truely a classic of "boot this guy". But she/he spoke little english and I knew somewhere down the road she/he would gain from my advice as a bear in the leading role. I said "watch myself and another good bear on how we do things." And she/he listened. Literally...she/he, right after, got in close and watched. Sent a pm saying "I understand now." What an accomplishment! Later in my quest for the crown she/he dropped in and I did have to boot her/him for some special friends. My appologies Friend! (Notice the capitalization!)

So to all of you that were in on these xp runs, I GIVE A BIG THANKYOU!

For my friend Uepauke and her friends on the crown quest a very special Thankyou!

And to those who noticed and PM'ed me...gosh...I feel like crying...THANKYOU! And I'm a dude...dude's don't cry!