I’ve spoken to some high class pvp players ( literally the best of the best ) they all agree eterno is not an op pet at all it’s actually perfectly fine and balanced so that means there’s just some non adapting going on here personally I am really sad that your guys are having trouble with this guy but if the top pvp players don’t have a problem with it then I’m pretty sure it’s just safe to say people here just have not been adapting hard enough or mabye even at all they probably died 1-5 times from eterno left the map and came straight to fourms which is understandable but I urge you guys to go out and lose to eterno some more so you can figure out the weaknesses of using that pet I know if someone kills you with eterno and tt after that they leave the map especially someone that that you feel didn’t “spend enough” on gears is a rupture to your pride and ego but you must lose before you can win I really urge you guys to vs people more with this pet so you can learn how to fight against it it’s very simple it can be hard losing to someone after waiting in the “active pvp” map for 20 minutes then they leave it can feel like eternity before you find someone else to fight the anger you feel urge you to come here and push the anger out how the pet is unbalanced but take some time and have some patience learn how to lose guys that’s the key here

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