My suggestion, for one, would be to give rewards deserving of the tier that they are in. I.e : Plat tiers should reward the player well. I’m not quite sure how this might affect the game as a whole, but if everyone is dedicated enough to farm till plat and be rewarded handsomely, I think this might make events much more worthwhile and enjoyable (since the game is heavily wealth-oriented). I fee that a great example of this was Goblin Event 2019 (or 2018) where players were rewarded 50 crate keys for reaching plat. It truly gave us (or me at least) much motivation to rank up and dedicate time to farm the event.

A query I have is the reason behind making LB vanities untradable..?

Eggzavier still rocks, though. Everyone has a chance to loot something if you put enough effort into it.

Hopefully, the upcoming expansion gives the player a reason to continue re-grinding the same map over and over, with a good enough incentive (like a rare chance to loot an exclusive egg/weapon? like, not lootable anywhere else) that might spice things up.

I feel that the state of honour pvp is perfectly fine as is, but regular pvp has been hit hard ever since the introduction of awakenings.

Speaking of awakening, - Awakening event : I personally quite enjoy the mechanics of the awakening event as they are now, where elite gems grant exclusive awakenings and players can opt to buy character-bound gems for 10k, or tradable gems for more. However, 30k for a gem is pretty absurd and ludicrous, since that’s the equivalent of 5-7 runs in NVG WITH 570gl OR 12-15 runs with ~100gl. I don’t wish to speak for newbies since I’m in no position to, but I THINK they might appreciate a reduction in the price of tradable gems to... let’s say 15k? Seems fair?
Another suggestion for the awakening event is if there were fixed dates for it. E.g : The 1st day of every 6th month? (1 Jan, 1 July)