Quote Originally Posted by Illegaly View Post
As I said before I didn't write my response only as these items owner. Also, as you have noticed these items are still lootable so I don't see why they should be available at the vendors. Again, these items are RARE due to their drop odds and that's what I meant when I called them so. All of us got these items just thanks to the hard work and EVERYONE can still get it if they just grind long enough. AGAIN, it doesn't matter if I, you, or anyone has them. Just work on your gears, try not to find excuses, and don't expect everything to be easier.
so ur basically saying that new players / poor players with no gear or bad gear should take the time to farm the chests and spend over 50 hours farming just to loot one of them instead of STS adding a vendor which will cost crate tokens, Which will get players to buy plat or do more plat offers which benefits STS aswell as New / Poor players since now they would be able to get their favorite overpriced arcane item? This idea would benefit new/poor players instead of rich players like me and u. The only people who dont agree with my request of adding a vendor which has these items are players who already own these items themselves. obviously i know u already said: "i didnt write my response only as these items owner". But it sure seems like you only disagree because you dont want poor players to get these good looking items.