I was looking for trades for 1 double Loot elixir (1m at the time) for ANY 3 heroic eggs (200k at the time).
The player called Surfix came to trade with me and we did a bunch or quick trades.

One of the trades was with Heroic Lucky which apparently costs 40m. So he stops me and says he wants it back because it was a mistake, but by the time he says that I gave it all to my guild member bc we have a guild reward. I said that I would try to get it back so I call the guild member and text him. But it’s difficult bc he lives in a different country.

Surfix brings me and his friend Entlce into a party. As I try to reach out to my friend for the egg back, Entlce threats that my account could get taken from me and that I should just give it back. So as anyone trying to help but gets put in the wrong.... I decide not to give it back. There’s more to it as Entlce keeps nagging me that I have it with constant threats about my account.

In my defence I was not trying to get to this situation in the first place, I just wanted some eggs for good deals for people with ‘ANY’ eggs emphasised when I was trading the eggs so anyone could have given me the cheapest of eggs for the elixir. But as I was trying to help and was mistreated I’m not going to give it back. And I believe I am not in the wrong as I did not manipulate or even try to scam Surfix and he accepted the trade which is his actions not mine so I can’t be blamed for his actions.

I am also looking for info about this situation from devs or players regarding the threat to my account as I have spent lots of money and time into it and I would hate to lose it. Though I think I won’t lose it.