Ok, just to clarify guys... when I came up with the idea for the guild, in-game, and subsequently started this thread, my vision was to have as many representatives of the various guilds as possible...whoever wanted to join anyway. It wasn't meant to be anything super serious or anything...just those of us who chill on SL, and play together throughout the day, having a nice way to distinguish ourselves from the massive wave of guilds and players that we are bound to encounter once we go live. The most "serious" option I was considering, was petitioning members to give small (ex. 2%-5%) discounts off of items they won't use, to other members of the guild...that was it really. I really want to keep things light and fun (otherwise, what's the point?); I think things are being taken too seriously, to be honest... as I stated in the OP, the only way to keep the guild beta only, is to end recruiting once we go live. Those who want to join, can, and those who don't want to have that option as well...no big deal in my opinion...