I wasn't completely sure where to post this. My ign was previously Cheifr(yes spelled this way) I started this game around 2013 or so and quit after a few years, I popped back in around the 71 cap but left very shortly after. I plan on playing this game loyally again especially now while I'm on deployment and my questions are as follows...

- What is the endgame like now in your opinion? Is it challenging and interesting enough to keep you attached for long periods of time? Is it mostly soloable or is it heavily group oriented?

- I have a rogue that I mained and a mage but I plan on going full on mage this time around, what is currently the ideal pet for me to buy with a budget of around 20mil.

- Is there one ideal armor set that I should buy or strive for when I'm level 76? Do I just buy the highest level arcane weapon and try to use the awakening system to improve it?

- What is currently the most active Twink bracket and how would you rate how expensive it is to be competitive in said bracket?

- I saw somewhere someone mentioned "Gold Loot" awakenings. What armor should I strive to get better "Gold Loot" stats on and what's considered a solid goal for gold loot % gear?

Thank you very much for anyone that takes the time to answer any of these. Feel free to ask if I didn't make any of these questions very clear, I'm not the most literate person i know.

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