Quote Originally Posted by Encryptions View Post
I want you to compare. Go into maus 6 and get the orb major damage debuff effect on you and proc your ebon aegis see how fast that kills mobs then do the same thing with glint aegis and your procs and see how fast that kills mobs. You can try elite maus so its the same group of enemies.

I am glad most players in this game don't test weapons to their full extent; else we would see a lot of nerf threads. Psst there are some op weapons out there that may not boost damage but they sure do something very op.
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I did not mean that, but that over the years it continued to be used to kill many mobs, quickly, as in a mausoleum, despite being a low level weapon, its proc continued to kill mobs above its level even now supported by new weapons. on the other hand, the ebon is a 71 weapon and if you read its proc it has a reflex limit, which decreases as the mobs are of higher level. with which it is probable that the mobs of the following expansion are practically immune to its reflection.