Hmmm... The purpose of a beta TEST iiiissss...? Oh yeah, to allow us to play as much as we want & gain a headstart on all the other people eager to play the game.

Wait! No, that's not correct.
Um... Oh that's right: it has nothing to do with fun. It's about trying everything (outside of hacking the code) to identify areas in which the game is, or may be, broken.
The fun is a (very welcome) side effect. I certainly got distracted from the task when I joined the beta. The game is a lot of fun. I am still having fun by trying to find glitches I missed while playing.

Whinging has no effect. If you are bored find something that will entertain you until general release. It is unlikely you'll miss the cheers of the masses when it finally happens! Keep an eye on FB or twitter or here. Someone is bound to mention that it is out (ya think?) Or you try walking into every wall/corner/door in what of B* is available & see if you can find BUGS!
Boredom lies in perception. Try looking at the situation differently.
In fact:
Ask not what your devs can do for you...