Quote Originally Posted by Purplee View Post
Doesn't matter. There are other unnecessary threads that are made. Yet to think of it. This is just an excuse. To make encryptions look bad for making this thread.
Actually the thread the thread was created to make fun of people. This was even admitted by the OP a couple posts above...

I’ve said this many times and I have proof encryptions never got kicked from High Society.. he choose to leave.(I have proof ss of conversation between be and encryptions to verify this)

As useful and informative as his content sometimes is (always said this and always will because it is true also his al guide discord server is actually better then the “official” sts server ) He has also openly admitted he has photoshopped conversations screenshots making it seem like others are talking badly about him just to stir drama. (I have a video he created himself where he admits this as evidence)

He has also created hate videos with racist and homophobic slurs directed at other players in game... this is coming from someone trying to seem all innocent and without any sins... and yes I have a copy of the video with the racism and homophobia which he uploaded and took down couple hours later after he realised what he had done.. yes I still have a copy of that video.

As stated already by Fid, out of all the people on this thread that have also commented how silly and pointless this thread basically is.. only 3 people have been from High Society... The 3 of us from HS we also happen to also be active players on the forums... half in the guild wouldn’t even know encryptions and the other half that might know him don’t actually care so...

I was even in agreement with encryptions on my last post saying someone trying to argue and not willing to learn is not worth spending the time on, that was friendly advice...

Wouldn’t even surprise me if this forum account I’m even responding you that’s being used to try stir anything up more rubbish on forums is just a fake and if it isn’t, I’d suggest doing more research before making posts slandering people.

Anyone actually interested learning truths and not just rumours or gossip the proof/evidence that’s been mentioned above I’m more then happy to share with anyone for educational purposes.

Add me on discord


It’s amazing the amount of content thats accumulated over the years about different players in this game that like to act all sweet and innocent in public yet show their true colours behind closed doors or stir fake dramas to give themselves a sense of self importance.

Final food for thought...

If there’s smoke there’s usually fire...

If it’s just 1-2 people spouting something about 1 player, could argue it’s just nonsense... when hoards of different people from different groups are saying it about 1 player... well chances are there must actually be something going on.

Again I would encourage anyone to add me on discord


An you can see actually proof of everything rather then just take mine or anyone else’s word for it

I was going to actually record a video explaining and showing proof after work but suppose after seeing this comment as well my patience has worn even thinner and even in getting tired of the fake personas people try to put across.

Might still do the video, still need to get back to content making so be a good excuse tho I’d rather not do it with such a dirty topic but for the greater good of Arlor.. needs must I suppose.

Enjoy the read

1 <3