Dear devs and arlorians,

I love this game so much, joined in 2014 and got a few ins and outs till now.

I can see that for many players, AL is not just having fun killing mobs but also having fun merching items ingame.

It would be great and helpful if the Auction interface can be more optimized.

Since the release of email-ingame through house, it would be so great if we have a button to contact directly to the seller in auction (thru house mails ofc).
It's kinda suck if u want to pm the seller, u have to remember their long name and type in chat or send email xD then u forgot the price or the item name haha

That is all for my idea, come up from my own mistake and exp in game xD

Have a good day Arlorians!

Pyroflame the Magma man