Chapter One- Occupy Yourself
- Keep yourself occupied. The Devs have already created an amazing game so playing that would be smart. Reach the level cap or make some extra gold. Dont sit around and mope. If you truly are intent on moping and sulking about it, go do so in the loser corner over there.
- Dont keep refreshing App Store. Again, do something! That will help the time fly by.

Chapter Two- Lower Your Expectations
- If you lower your expextations, you will be even more suprised when Star Legends comes out. So lets rule out some things. Lets assume that Apple doesnt work on Saturdays. Or Sundays. So it could be approved Monday through Friday. Oh wait! Devs probably dont work on Saturdays or Sundays. So SL wont come out on Monday. So now we have Tuesday through Friday.
- Ok, we figured out probable days that SL will come out. But we still think its an awesome game. We can fix that. Think of the bad parts of the game. It sounds a bit rude and mean but its just tricking your brain. Tell yourself false facts about the game. That will basically brain-wash your mind. When the game comes out, you will suprise yourself at how false your false facts were, thus making you love the game even more.

Chapter Three- Prepare
- Prepare yourself. Get them snacks ready to pull an all nighter. Things like roast coffee, chips, soda, and apples are great. Apples? Yes. They are great at keeping you up late. But if you can mix things like tea, apples, and coffee, you will be really unable to sleep. Even tea will help you stay awake. Also chocolate milk. Have those snacks in your stash ready to pull out when SL comes out. Make yourself really hungry during the day so you can munch and crunch during the night. But! Things like cheetos aren't so great. Cheetos make your hands all sticky and cheesy. Which will screw up your screen, making you unable to play SL. Be a smart snacker.

Authors Note
- Well, I taught you some of my tips, tricks, and hints to getting ready for SL. Please be careful however. Although I would love for people to follow my guide, I would hate to see anybody [except one person. He/She knows who he/she his ;] get hurt. I actually recommend you not to pull an all nighter. It can be dangerous. If you are really intent on doing so, sleep all day all week. That way you can stay up all night while getting sleep. If you want to recommend some tips, post and I will add it and credit it.