Quote Originally Posted by Usaram View Post
Sry my English weak n first post too
Sry my request to sys
After seeing wars situation now a days ....I wanna say we n sys both want Al more fun n better but sadly true is Al more bad now..in modern year 2021 sys pushed war bk to 2015 really sad

War can't kill boss solo otherwise rog can do both 76 weap proc if they do bow proc first then dagg proc like rogs mage can also do both proc if mage do gun proc then switch to staff proc but war can't proc 76 weap proc together

I have one good idea ...sys plz focus on this we wars really don't want ebon aegis glint aegis stack proc but if we just get 76 weap proc together just like only axe n dozer aegis then war will fair too ...with dozer aegis n axe proc we wars will also able to kill boss solo n can map solo n can help ppls

So plz allow same lvl weap stack can proc together ...it really good idea nothing will damage game bc rog n mage already using 76 both weap stack

Just allow same lvl weap can stack for all like dozer aegis n axe can use too

If war can use dozer aegis with axe proc then war will fair again

Plz focus on my point or sys upload a video n show us how war can kil new maps l hard boss solo

Come guys it's time to raise hand...bc otherwise we wars useless so plz add same weap can stack together just think about this

Ik if cause of public demand sys can return Arcanite field event then sys can add same lvl weap proc can stack together too

Come n support

As I said my first if any mistake sry from me
Your one nab ppl of Al Ign:raihei

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+1 the idea is great since they created the problem by putting 2 proc buff weapons instead of 1 proc buff and 1 debuff but we know that unfortunately they don't care and won't change it...

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