this would be simply stating these are all the things with which one can comply or be kicked out of said guild. Much like the TOS to which you are already adhering. But in a more relaxed form.
Please I've read some of the 'rules' some of the other guilds have. No swearing...seriously? If you get censored on your own private forums for your guild or in your guild chat in's time for a more mature guild, unless you like to talk about easy-bake ovens and rainbows. The most this will accomplish is a bunch of rules that are either completely common sense (be nice to everyone ok? seriously ok?) or rules that no one over the age of 15 will enforce. As you said, we're already adhering to the TOS from STS, but the day I allow a bunch of random internet people lying in their beds dictate my actions is the day I buy a rotary phone and join the WNBA.[/QUOTE]

Lol Im in 100% agreement with flow on this the clean language mark for my guild is not so tight, as long as its not ( F this F that blank blank blank your mom). if its funny and made to be funny then I dont stress it. As soon as it becomes a finger pointed at someone we have a problem. Everyone needs to be treated with respect.

On the same note two wrongs dont make a right if someone starts dumping on you, its not ok to return the hit snap it and post it for (devs) to take action. We are all here to have fun, and a ton of us are adults so we should act like it.

P.s. Rotary phone lol if you find one let me know. Ill give it to my daughter when she is old enough for her first phone.