So..... You and your friends know all the maps, all the levels, have the good gear, and PWN this game?

Now is your chance to prove it!

Announcing: Fastest to 50!!!!!

The contest starts tomorrow, Wednesday, August 3rd at 8:00 p.m. US Central time. And will end in 1 week, August 10th at 8:00 p.m. US Central time.


1) Create a new character and Post a screenshot of yourself at Level 1. Your post will be timestamped. That is when the clock starts ticking. Grab your buddies and powerlevel like no other until you reach level 50.

2) Post Screenshot of yourself when you reach lvl 50. Fastest time wins!!!

3) Must have at least 1 or more character lvl 50 or over.

4) No Plat purchase elixirs please!! You may use gold elixirs and your one time Vinnie the vendor boost.

5) Try at all costs to create your own games so as to not disrupt others players who are just playing the game.


1st Place = 300K, Plus Huge Bragging rights!!
2nd Place = Snipers Demon Claw, or 200K, your choice.
3rd Place = 100K

All successful participants will get a prize for playing. Value of participation prizes will depend on how many entries we have.