I was in paradise pier trying to sell stuff as one does. Someone said they’re buying “anything”, i thought that sounded weird but i moved past that and offered 3 precise finesse jewels and igor’s artifact. I’ve been trying to artifact for some time so just decided to pitch it, and had 3 more jewels crafting, nonetheless the person said that they WOULD buy ALL and wanted more!! so i was like oh awesome . so i unjeweled and un-auced my artifact, put them in the trade and made my offer. I said 40 mil auto (at this point i added two nobles and two superbs) said person didn’t like that price i understand it was high it was my auto, so i asked for a counteroffer. They told me “no too high” and left. What i’m getting at here is, if you don’t like a price, counteroffer! That’s what trading is about
(edit: i know i made some mistakes by not settling price and getting ahead of my self, but still it’s not hard to counteroffer)

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