Hey guys the hard lag brought me here lol was curious is there any player using any kind of illegal software or anything because I lag really really bad during token farm or LB run which is weird because my network is very good I play mlbb with a green ping so its kinda weird here that my ping is gone suddenly. Please check over this matter moderator! Because event is about to end everyone is rushing for token and for LB but how can we get token and our spot with this kind of lag and delay. It would be so great if dl would detect players using illegal or cheating software. Although it such a great event so far (even it lag hard ofc XD). I hope these kinds of players who are cheating would be eradicate somehow. Some of them using auto farming for gold during normal days but come on with this event they will still use something just to stay on top? I think that's not fair more importantly for those who are really trying meanwhile they get top 5 so easy! With them using these some of our Network getting affected. Please look into this.