I've always wondered about spell ranges for mages and shots for birds.
I'm gonna look at a few scenarios:
Mage standing still VS Bird standing still, close range, result is both skills used connect
Mage running, bird chasing, close range, result is mage skills connect, bird skills also connect
Mage running, bird chasing, far range, result is mage skills connect, bird skills do not connect
Mage standing still VS Bird standing still, far range, result is bird skills connect, mage skills do not
Bird running, mage chasing, close range, result is both skills connect
Bird running, mage chasing, far range, bird skills connect, mage skills do not

So now I wonder if casting a spell backwards at a chasing opponent, who is chasing you when you are running, gives more range to the spell.
It seems a lot like that to me.
Can anyone explain?