Lots of people claim they have been scammed because they let somebody borrow an item and the item was never returned. Technically speaking, this is not a scam, this was a legal trade and nobody broke terms of service so it doesn't do much good to report somebody for that. All that happens is some people are too trusting and some people are too selfish.

To help prevent these common occurrences, and to reduce the threads on forums and spam in game about scammers, I think they should add in a system where you can lend items to people for a set amount of time and then the item will be returned. For example, I could lend a weapon to somebody for 24 hours, and once the timer is up the weapon would disappear from my friends inventory.

They could create an interface similar to the auction, where instead of typing in the amount of gold, you type in the person's name, choose the item, and you can lend it for 12 hours, 24 hours, or 3 days. As the borrower, return to the same interface screen to collect your item back. I feel like this should be possible to implement into the game