Quote Originally Posted by Analytical View Post
"Lack of wall of text appreciated"

1. It is not just tells, boss attacks are significantly bolded and dev mentioned more of this would be implemented.

2. Dev did say it is not a simple thing to just toggle it on or off aura(can't find which thread was it already). And likely is why they resorted to making procs/other important gameplay visuals clearer.

3. Many paying for badges is itself an assumption, who knows how many would have paid for badges when there's no such option? We got no numbers to speak so we can only speak conservatively. Meaning, you would want to be safe than sorry. Also we don't know how many players are actually active in AL and out of that how many actually buy auras. All we know is aura sells fasts and it's logical to see why dev wouldn't want to risk any move harming any potential additional income source pertaining to aura sales, which arguably could make up the highest sale in store aside from crates. People don't just "buy badge", they buy something in store that exchanges for gold. Just imagine KFC trying to "toggle" their fried chicken recipe. They would sure think twice, thrice etc before doing that.

Most comments here are obviously subjective hence in the suggestion section.

And thanks for the laugh 😂😂😂
Come on guy, just pick a problem already!

You made a whole thread about the disabling of the aura then when sts made this thread and people started to agree with having the option to turn off or on the aura, then you came up with a new problem saying “no! If they add the option to turn off/on an aura then they should add my whole bucket list too”.

Now that people agree to add the bucket list you came up with+the turn off/on option for the vanity aura you again come up with another new problem saying “if they add all this STS won’t make any money”.

come on dude XD I thought my sarcastic post towards you was already clear enough that money isn’t a problem for STS nor anything else you mentioned or else they wouldn’t have made this thread. Also they got rid of proc stack too which was way more of a money maker than the auras combined and yet the game hasn’t crashed yet…